Your Insect Problems Sorted Today
Wave Goodbye To Insect Pests
Insect Control That Solves
Comprehensive Insect Pest Inspections
Insect Identification Service
Every Insect Species Eliminated
Insects Don't Stand A Chance!
Flying Insects
Flying insect pests like Bumble Bees, Masonry Bees and
flies can infect and attack both you and your loved ones, making safe control a high priority.
Crawling Insects
Many insect pests lack functioning wings and these insects are usually experts at crawling around our homes and businesses in
the dark undisturbed areas.
Insects are commonly found in and around our environments because our blood is of particular interest to them like pet
fleas, bedbugs and ticks.
WaspKill UK was established 2007 by
Simon Berenyi to provide Bristol with a
Pest Control Service operated by genuine experts in the control of Insect pests. Most of the insects
and rodents we treat are quite common but occasionally we get a call to something a little more interesting and we love anything new.
TV & Radio Appearances
The work we are proudest of is our film and radio work with the BBC, National Geographic, Channel 5 and also our
educational work with local schools.
What people quickly learn about us, is our ability to succeed when others have failed. We get called every year to people
who have been told it can't be done, only for us to find a perfect solution. When it needs doing, and it needs doing right, WE ARE THE EXPERTS PEOPLE CALL, and we are
very proud of this.
Insect Identification
It's probably no surprise that we get calls on a regular basis to identify strange bugs that have suddenly
appeared in customers homes. This is always a joy to do because it's a challenge and it's exciting to discover insects that are new or unusual.
Bristol is home to a very diverse cultural mix and shares a history of trading that means some of the
insects and spiders here are not found in any other parts of the country.
Commercial Fly Control
Flying insects are a significant issue in many commercial and residential properties at different times
of year and for a variety of reasons.
Sometimes they help us to diagnose bigger problems like collapsed drains and other times they help to
identify the dead bodies of rodents and birds. Whatever the problem we can
help you solve it quickly with a variety tools that include state of the art electronic
fly killing devices and more traditional fumigation's.
Common Insect Pests Include
Assassin Bugs - Ants - Argentine Ants -
Bed Bugs - Beetles -
Bees - Bird Fleas - Biscuit Beetles - Biting Black Flies -
Bluebottles - Body Lice - Bone/Hide Beetles - Book lice - Brown House Moths -
Bumble Bees - Carpet Beetles -
Carpet Moths - Case-bearing Carpet Moths -
Cat Fleas - Cheese Mites - Churchyard Beetles - Cluster Flies -
Clothes Moths - Cockroaches - Crab Louse -
Death Watch Beetles - Dermestid Beetles - Dog Fleas - Drain Flies - Dust Mites -
Earwigs - European Rat Fleas - Firebrats - Fleas -
Flies - Flour Beetles - Flour Mites - Fruit Flies - Fur Beetles -
Furniture Beetles - Furniture Mites - Garden Ants - German Cockroaches - Ghost Ants - Grain Weevils - Greenbottles -
Head Lice - Honey Bees - Hornets -
Horse Flies - House Crickets - House Dust Mites - House Flies -
House Longhorn Beetles - Human Fleas - Indian Meal Moths - Larder Beetles - Lesser House Flies - Masonry Bees -
Meadow Ants - Meal Worm Beetle - Mill Moths - Mining Bees - Mosquitoes - Moths - Mouse Fleas - Oriental Cockroaches -
Pavement Ants - Pharaoh Ants - Powder-post Beetles - Psocids - Pubic Lice - Red Ants - Rice Weevils - Roger's Ants - Rust-red Flour Beetles - Saw-toothed Grain Beetles -
Scabies Mite - Silverfish - Brown Spider Beetles - Termites - Warehouse Moths -
Wasps - White Shouldered Moths - Woodlice.
Insects are a huge group of pests that range in size from microscopic to over an inch in length. Some feed on us while others feed on our belongings, the fabric of our buildings, or our food, so control has never been more important to get right first time.