Bristol Fly Control: 0117 303 5181

Bristol Fly Control: The flies that interest us, are called the "true flies" from the order Diptera and are small insects that are responsible for removing and recycling huge quantities of waste both animal and plant in origin.

There are estimated to be over 100,000 different species yet only a small proportion are considered important pests both as a nuisance and as vectors of disease.

fly control flies window

What Common Types of Flies Are Pests?

Blow Flies:

bristol blow flies

Large Green and Blue Metallic Flies. Associated with dead animals.

Blow flies (family: Calliphoridae) are among the most recognisable flies of this group found in Bristol and this due to their amazing metallic colours. Blue bottle and Green bottle flies in particular are very distinctive and recognisable to most people. They feed on carrion and decaying organic matter and can often be seen on flowers where they consume carbohydrate rich nectar.

Cluster Flies:

bristol cluster flies

Large Numbers of Flies Overwinter In Lofts and Attics. Not considered a health risk.

Cluster Flies make up a large number of flies, found in properties during the colder months of the year, hibernating in loft spaces in clusters that can number many thousands. 2013 was definitely the year of the Cluster Fly, so every year one fly species will do better than others.

House Flies:

bristol house flies

Nuisance Flies in Homes, Kitchens and Food Prep Areas. Considered a major health risk.

House Flies are as the name suggests among the most common flies to be found in our homes and represent a significant hazard to food safety.

Horse Flies:

bristol horse flies

Large Biting Flies with large, often Metalic Eyes. A biting, nuisance fly causing deep skin infections

Horse Flies are the tigers of the sky and are among the very largest flies found in the United Kingdom. 2014 has been a very good year to be a horse fly as populations in July were way above average in many Bristol areas. Horse Flies are large, fast and many, despite being very large are silent in flight. The horse flies bite however is anything but discrete.

Fruit Flies:

FLY exterminator bristol

Small, Nuisance Flies Flies with Orange Eyes. Seen as an indicator of poor hygiene.

Fruit Flies are very small flies found on rotting organic matter especially fruit. Now becoming far more common as a nuisance pest since the rise of mandatory recycling programmes requiring a brown food waste box, often kept on counter tops.

Before you do anything you need to identify where the flies might be coming from and what species they are.

Call Our Local Bristol Number - 0117 303 5181